It is not about mistakes, it is about credibility. He is the governor. How can anyone "follow" his guidelines now?

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It's like being a parent..we are our children's leader and we often times make mistakes? Should they not continue to "follow" our guidelines? Get over yourself.

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He's a human being just like the rest of us

We all make mistakes

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Of course he needs to apologize and he still didn’t say anything about social distancing just a mask. These are his rules that he developed and he’s not following them? As far as everybody else Not wearing a mask,my grandmother Once said if somebody else jumps off a cliff does that mean you do it to?He is the leader of the state and should set a much better example.

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GOVERNOR I have praised you repeatedly , I was very worried an praying for you when the selfish Protestors were on your lawn but Now.....I have lost so much respect for you. I'm nobody so my opinion doesn't matter to most.

BUT MY LIFE Matters as I am a highest risk i have 3 heart conditions an radical high blood pressure. I have been inside my home since March 17th w only leaving 1 x . I'm scared to go out my door because of the neglect of people like you 3 in this picture !!!!


NO Social Distance

NO Care or Concern on YOUR Own COVID Orders.

Sincerely a Hurt Marginalized Citizen

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Hear, hear! Hang in there Lil Bit

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I think you have been a very good governor throughout this entire thing and people need to stop complaining about everything and realize its okay to keep things to yourself and STOP putting out there every thing they think....thanks for keeping us safe as long as need be.

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Well you people. If you really paid attention to the order it states no more then 10 people...I counted only 3 in the picture!! Following, it's getting ready to change to groups of 25... surprise! No one cares if YOU remember this at election time another surprise. I think we have a pretty good governor not willing to hold us hostage for longer then necessary. He hasn't been a dictator through this entire pandemic! You may choose to live in fear but not everyone is. Holcomb we forgive you!

Jessica Stewart

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You all are retarded. The man made one absent minded mistake and you are all ready to crucify him for it. He even apologies!!! Idiots.

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I WAS impressed with the way our Governor was handling this pandemic. But not now. He is just like some of the other Republicans makes the rules But he doesnt have to follow them . So disappointing. But come election time I hope people remember this. I will not be voting for him!!!

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This comment sounds racist only I guess you would have to call it PARTIEST (new word for the day).

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Shame on you, governor. You're setting a horrible example, violating your own rules and putting people's health in jeopardy. You apologized for no mask, but you also were violating the rule on social distancing. And it doesn't sound like a trip to Brown County was essential travel. How can you ask Hoosiers to follow the restrictions if you don't? This is sheer hypocrisy!

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Lead by example Governor Holcomb! Obviously you encountered the onslaught of visitors that are coming to Brown County.

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"Lapse in your usual vigilance"? Marion County is under a "Warning" travel status. Brown County is under a "Watch" travel status, Gov. Holcomb. You completely disregarded the travel restrictions put in place by Mayor Hogsett in your own county, and those of the Commissioners and EMA of our county. Regardless of the lack of wearing a mask, you didn't even follow social distancing guidelines! I haven't seen my children or grandchildren since Christmas. Why? Because I, like many Hoosiers ARE following the guidelines. I find your "apology" to be an insincere attempt to save face! SHAME ON YOU!

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Yes you should of.....

Your our leader....

People look to what you are doing an think "Well if he's ignoring his own orders then we are too"


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he shouldn’t have to apologize when everyone’s doing the same thing.

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Uh, being the leader of the state and the person that put out the guidelines he is blatantly violating, requires adherence to a higher standard, wouldn't you agree?

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I think are governor is doing a fine job. He is human just like the rest. Just because he forgot his mask is no reason to be little him an for social distancing is that really working. He could of told them no I do not want to take a picture been to stuck up to care. He did not . People have more time to complain then help solve the problem at hand. This would not of been a issue if the media did not make it. People pass away every it is the natural order of life. You have my vote governor.

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Total disrespect for other people's well being, all three of them are covidiots!

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